Most companies conduct routine fraud risk assessments as part of their internal controls and compliance activities. However, according to the ACFE and COSO’s recent Fraud Risk Management Guide, a risk assessment is only one component of an effective fraud risk management program. As set forth in the guide, a fraud risk management program goes beyond risk assessments and considers governance, preventive and detective fraud control activities, investigative procedures and monitoring. How does your company’s program stack up against this new guidance?
This Pre-Conference session will explore how to benchmark your fraud risk management program against this new guidance, how to align your program with existing programs and resources (e.g., anti-corruption, cybersecurity, compliance and ethics), and the role anti-fraud specialists play in ensuring the program’s success.
You Will Learn How To:
- Benchmark your fraud risk management program in the context of COSO’s five fraud risk management principles set forth in the guide
- Tailor your fraud risk management program to meet your organization’s needs and risk appetite
- Apply practical examples and frameworks to enhance your existing anti-fraud activities and measure results
- Maximize your program’s effectiveness through alignment with other risk management programs in your organization
- Determine ways to contribute to the overall success of your organization’s fraud risk management program as an anti-fraud professional
Level: Overview
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Field of Study: Auditing