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25-27 September | Singapore




Positioned along the Marina Bay waterfront, Marina Bay Sands seamlessly combines business and leisure into a singular destination unlike any other.


Positioned along the Marina Bay waterfront, Marina Bay Sands seamlessly combines business and leisure into a singular destination unlike any other.


Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world and the smallest in the region – hence the moniker “The Little Red Dot.”


Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world and the smallest in the region – hence the moniker “The Little Red Dot.”


With history, culture, people, shopping and food, Singapore’s thriving cityscape offers many sights and sounds for you to discover.


With history, culture, people, shopping and food, Singapore’s thriving cityscape offers many sights and sounds for you to discover.


Marina Bay Sands

10 Bayfront Avenue
+65 6688 8888

Room Rate: SGD 395 single
Hotel Cut-Off: 6 September 2019
Reserve Now


Christian Chua

Body Language Expert

Christian Chua is an international speaker whose career spans more than 20 years. A sought after body language and face profiling expert, he has been invited to many high-profile events and television stations to talk about the body language and profiles of world leaders. He appears on international television stations with a viewership of more than 150 million people. He has brought his special skills from Singapore to countries like the U.S., China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Israel, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and the Philippines. He has been featured in the media regularly, from the radio, television and the internet to magazines and newspapers. His articles have been published in The Straits Times and other periodicals.

Graeme Samuel, AC

Professorial Fellow, Monash University Business School

Graeme Samuel, AC, is a Professorial Fellow in Monash University’s Business School and School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine. He was a member of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) Panel to conduct a Prudential Inquiry into the culture, governance and accountability of Commonwealth Bank of Australia and is currently chair of the panel conducting a Capability Review of APRA. He has recently conducted a review for the Commonwealth Government of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct. He is also President of Dementia Australia, Chair of the Dementia Australia Research Foundation, Chair of the South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network, Chair of Lorica Health Pty Ltd, a CMCRC company, Director of the Digital Health CRC, Chair of Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (A4ANZ), and Chair of the National Health and Medical Research Council National Institute for Dementia Research.

Samuel has held a number of roles in public life, including former Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Associate Member of the Australian Communications and Media Authority and President of the National Competition Council.

He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1998. In 2010 he was elevated to a Companion of the Order of Australia "for eminent service to public administration through contributions in the area of economic reform and competition law, and to the community through leadership roles with sporting and cultural organisations.”

Tom Wright

Wall Street Journal's Asia Economics Editor (2013-2019)
Co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Billion Dollar Whale

Tom Wright is an investigative journalist and Pulitzer finalist. He is the co-author of New York Times bestseller Billion Dollar Whale, the true story of a Wharton University graduate, Jho Low, who orchestrated one of the world’s largest financial heists—and used the proceeds to build a Hollywood empire.

Most recently, Wright was the Wall Street Journal’s Asia economics editor. After beginning his career in Jakarta, he was the paper’s Pakistan correspondent. In 2013, Wright moved to Hong Kong in his role as Asia economics editor. While there, he discovered the story behind Billion Dollar Whale in what has become widely known as the 1MDB scandal. A businessman from Malaysia, Jho Low, used his extensive social connections to convince the country’s Prime Minister, Najib Razak, to create an investment fund. This fund, 1MDB, was financed with government money, and investment banks helped raise another $10bn for it.

Daily Agenda

What Attendees Are Saying

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“Very good conference, well organised, good speakers.” — Agustina Arumsari, CFE, CA

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“The event was well organised and catered for. I enjoyed the keynote speaker presentations and the networking opportunities within the Asia region.” — Trevor Fairall
Macquarie Group

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“I found the ACFE Fraud Conference Asia-Pacific relevant in terms of fraud prevention, detection and response content and an excellent opportunity to form networks with other anti-fraud/corruption professionals.” — Paul Humphries
Woodside Energy Ltd.



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